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NT バード スペシャリストは、ノーザン テリトリーのダーウィンを拠点とするオーストラリア北部のバードウォッチング、野生生物、写真撮影ツアーを運営する大手企業です。

特別な関心のある自然観光体験における、複数の賞を受賞した専門家によるガイド サービスは他に類を見ません。

ゲストは、ノーザン テリトリー (ノーザン テリトリー)、キンバリー (ワシントン州)、およびクイーンズランド州奥地 (QLD) の最高のバード ウォッチング ロケーションを体験し、野生動物との出会いを最大限に楽しみ、驚くような写真を撮影します。さらに遠くでは、スリランカとボルネオの野生動物サファリをご案内します。


少人数のグループ ツアーとプライベート チャーターでは、オーストラリア北部の人里離れた象徴的な国立公園や文化的景観で野生動物、ロック アート、素晴らしい写真撮影などのユニークな景色を楽しめます。彼らは熱帯の奥地に代表される主要な生息地を訪れ、車、ボート、徒歩でそれらを探索し、固有の鳥、珍しい渡り鳥、その他の熱帯の生物を探します。

ルーク・パターソンとサラ・バージェスは、38 年以上の地元観光経験を組み合わせて、地域で最高のエコツーリズム体験をパッケージ化して提供していますので、野生動物を観察し、周囲の環境に浸る時間がもっとあります。

Tours available

1 Day Darwin Birdwatching Tour "Sticky Beak'

Join Luke Paterson, expert local Australian birding guide who knows where to birdwatch in Darwin's biodiverse habitats for over 200 bird species. “Sticky Beak” around Darwin’s mangroves, coastlines, tidal flats, monsoon vine forests, lagoons, tropical woodlands and floodplains with our local and knowledgeable guide.

Key bird species in Darwin include chestnut rail, rufous owl, rainbow pitta and collard kingfisher.

A quick probe over Darwin’s wildlife on a one day birding/bird photography tour is a good way to wet your appetite for your next excursion with NT Bird Specialists.

Private birdwatching tours and group tours in Darwin, Northern Territory.

** Itineraries amended on request. e.g target bird species, specific interests, limited mobility/hearing/sight.
Book early for availability

Includes picnic lunch, morning and afternoon. Pick up/drop off at your nominated location in Darwin CBD. 1-8 guests (maximum 11 for private groups)

Please bring: Hat, comfortable walking shoes, long-sleeved clothing, binoculars, scope, camera, water bottle

Tours include: Award winning bird guiding and tour operator services, specialist bird guide, morning & afternoon tea, lunch, water, bird list, spotting scope, field guides, binoculars, transport, pick up, drop off


Private birdwatching, photography and landscape tours

NT Bird Specialists' special-interest wildlife tourism experiences are second to none.

They create tour options for you to choose from, and cater to special requests on a privately chartered tour. They run personalised bird watching, wildlife and photography tours with unique cultural insights in the packaged experiences.

To keep the service personalised, groups sizes remain small, usually 2-4 or 5-8 passengers in a comfortable 4WD or modern mini-bus. You may join larger groups when travelling on boat cruises operated by preferred suppliers. Chartered boat cruises are available on request.

You will need to have a reasonable level of fitness to cope with bush walking and short stairs-like climbs on walking tracks, as well as being outside in warm to hot and humid conditions for extended periods of time.

If larger groups wish to book, please contact us for a quote for up to 14 guests and tour leaders.


1 Day Wild Kakadu Birdwatching tour

Join award-winning professional Australian bird guide Luke Paterson to birdwatch Kakadu's Ramsar-listed wetlands, bird hides, monsoon forest and ancient stone country habitats, home to endemic and regionally significant species of birds and other iconic wildlife. Key bird species in Kakadu include Partridge Pigeon, Chestnut-quilled Rock Pigeon, Rainbow Pitta, Banded Fruitdove.

Enquire for private birdwatching tours and bird photography tours in Kakadu.

** Itineraries can be amended on request and subject to availability e.g. add boat cruises, rock art sites, target species and waterfalls, or for people with specific interests and or limited mobility, hearing or sight.

Tour starts and finishes in Jabiru or Darwin township (alternative pick up /drop off locations subject to itinerary, availability and prior arrangements).

what to bring: Hat, comfortable walking shoes, long-sleeved clothing, binoculars, scope, camera, water bottle, valid Kakadu Park Pass

Tours include: Transfers, snacks, lunch & rock art tour (full day), water, shared scope/binoculars, bird list, professional guide, accredited award-winning tour operator.

Recommend booking early.


10 Day Ultimate Top End Birdwatching Adventure Tour

Luke Paterson guides NT Bird Specialists’ ‘Ultimate Top End Birding Adventure’ tour to take you to the Northern Territory's best birdwatching sites to find and photograph target bird and wildlife species in Darwin, Kakadu, Katherine, Timber Creek and Lake Argyle to Kununurra Western Australia.

This one way bird watching tour departs Darwin, Northern Territory. Mouth-watering target birds include: Yellow Chat, Spinifex Pigeon, Gouldian Finch, Purple-crowned Fairy-wren, Rainbow Pitta, Chestnut Rail, Rufous Owl, Red Goshawk, Banded Fruit-dove, White-lined Honeyeater, Chestnut and White-quilled Rock Pigeons, Hooded Parrot and honeyeaters galore.

Approximate number of bird species: 200+



  • 中国レディと認定プログラム
  • 品質ツーリズム認定
  • 持続可能な観光認定