Croc Spot Tours は、ノーザンテリトリーでワニと直接関わることが認められている 4 つのツアー会社のうちの 1 つです。
最大 20 名までが参加できる特別な川下りツアーを提供しており、親密な少人数グループでの体験を専門としており、有名なアデレード川のジャンプするワニを間近で観察できます。
Tours available
Croc Spot Tours - Jumping Crocodile Encounters.
Croc Spot Tours is one of only four operators in the Northern Territory permitted to directly engage with crocodiles. It conducts river tours to a maximum of 20 passengers, specialising in small group bookings to see the Adelaide River jumping crocodiles.
Their tour guides are locals and very experienced with living and working with crocodiles in the Territory bush. They will bring you up close and personal to some of the biggest crocodiles on the Adelaide River.
These specialist croc river tours leave people feeling exhilarated and happy having completed the bucket list thing they didn’t even know they had.
Tours run daily.
Shuttle Bus Run - Croc Spot Tours
Embark on a relaxed 1-hour shuttle ride from Darwin to the Adelaide River, complete with a return journey and the unforgettable jumping crocodile cruise.
This exclusive adventure brings you face-to-face with one of the world’s most formidable predators in their natural, untamed environment.
Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you witness these incredible creatures in action, leaping from the water right before your eyes!