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The Katherine region is famous for its natural beauty. Stay at Mataranka to bathe in the Bitter Springs Thermal Pools. Or set up camp in the Nitmiluk National Park to paddle or hike along the magnificent Katherine Gorge.

The Katherine region is famous for its natural beauty. Stay at Mataranka to bathe in the Bitter Springs Thermal Pools. Or set up camp in the Nitmiluk National Park to paddle or hike along the magnificent Katherine Gorge.

In Katherine you can choose from central hotels, backpackers or resorts with accommodation ranging from camping facilities to executive suites. This is cattle country. Experience life on a working cattle station – some offer hosted farm stays, others welcome you to overnight in a park on the property and enjoy activities including animal feeding and nature walks. It is also a place of wide rivers. Keen anglers book into fishing resorts that welcome groups and offer plenty of freezer space for their catch.

The Daly Waters Historic Pub is a popular stop that offers backpacker, hotel or motel rooms, or a place to pitch a tent, as well as the renowned Beef and Barra meal.

​​ キャサリンとその周辺の宿泊施設に関する究極のガイド

​​ キャサリンとその周辺の宿泊施設に関する究極のガイド

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アウトバックはキャサリンの熱帯雨林へと続きます。 この大きな田舎町はダーウィンから車で南へ3時間、広大なキャサリン川の沿岸にあります。この地域のハイライトはニトミルク(キャサリン)渓谷ですが、ほかにも見る箇所は沢山あります。 キャサリンでの冒険を計画するのに役立つ10のアイデアがあります。
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キャサリンは熱帯地域がオーストラリアのアウトバックと出会う場所でダーウィンの南へ約4時間(300km)の舗装道路でのドライブでアクセス出来ます。 地域全体に渡り無料のアクティビティが満載のドライブ旅行に最適な場所です!
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