[carousel hero="true" rotateheadings="true" smallheight="false"][slide image="/-/media/images/articles/camping/hero-image/older-couple-with-a-caravan-camping-near-darwin.jpg" imagealt="Million Dollar Fish composite image. The Northern Territory is an unrivalled fishing destination with huge tidal rivers, scenic inland billabongs, mangrove-lined estuaries and a picturesque coastline. Its vast networks of waterways offer a variety of world-class fishing options." butttontext="" buttontarget="" buttonurl="" video="" slidecontentoverride="" heading="キャンピング & グランピング" subtitle="" introtext="" captionlink="" captionlinktext="" darkenimage="false" headingoverride="" renderh1="true"][/carousel]
There’s no better way to appreciate the stunning natural beauty of the Top End than by pitching a tent in one of the many campgrounds.
You can choose your level of adventure: from the most isolated 4WD-only campground to the more accessible sites near popular swimming and fishing spots.
Go bird watching at dawn, bushwalking during the day and wildlife spotting at dusk to see thousands of different species not seen anywhere else in the world.
Or just set up your camp and enjoy the silence.
No matter what you choose, the city of Darwin and its incredible wartime history, vibrant cultural scene and world-class attractions are just a short drive away.