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Pitch a tent in paradise. All over the Northern Territory there are stunning places to set down your tent pegs and soak up a sunset. With these simple tips your camping trip will be off to a safe start.


Before you set out, obtain local advice about the area where you will be camping (some areas require permits to enter so check this as well), and check the weather forecast. Always tell someone your plan and when you expect to return.


Make sure your camping equipment and vehicle and/or boat are in good working order. Consider carrying communication equipment such as an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), or satellite phone, and take a compass, map and first-aid kit. Pack plenty of drinking water and food, and take a gas BBQ in case of Total Fire Ban days. Always keep your vehicle locked and secure any valuables.


Never camp near the water’s edge, and read maps and signs carefully – especially ‘no swimming’ signs at waterways inhabited by saltwater crocodiles. To protect yourself against insect bites, wear an insect repellent, keep your tent zipped, and tap out your shoes in the morning.


To prevent risk of bushfire while camping, take note of fire restrictions in the area, light fires only in fireplaces/fire pits provided, never leave a fire unattended and be careful to fully extinguish the fire when finished.



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