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About Tourism NT

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Freedom of information & privacy

The Northern Territory Information Act (the Act) provides the community with rights to access government information, including personal information. The right to access information is limited in some circumstances. The Act also protects the privacy of personal information held by public sector organisations by giving individuals the right to access and the right to correct their personal information, and ensuring that organisations collect and handle personal information responsibly.

You have rights to make applications to Tourism NT on privacy and FOI matters. We encourage you to contact us first to discuss any application you wish to make. We may be able to assist you without the need for an application. Information on how to lodge an application is at the bottom of this page.

Your personal information

Personal Information is any information a public sector organisation holds from which a person’s identity is apparent or is reasonably able to be ascertained.

Tourism NT maintain procedures and standards and take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to and modification or disclosure of personal information.

Tourism NT will also take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse and loss.

Personal information is kept only for as long as it is needed. When personal information is no longer needed for the purpose it was originally collected, it will either be destroyed or permanently de-identified.

You can make a request to Tourism NT if you would like access to any personal information held by Tourism NT. Access will be provided unless the information is sensitive, providing access is complex, or there is a law that requires access to be refused. If you request photocopies of documents or copies of photographs or other media, charges may apply.

Freedom of information

You have a right to apply for access to information held by Tourism NT. An FOI application must:

  • be in writing
  • give your name and address
  • describe in sufficient detail the information that you want
  • include payment or a receipt for the application fee (if applicable).

You must also provide proof of your identity before your application can be accepted.

Please give as much detail as possible about the information you are seeking when you make your FOI application as this can help to reduce the costs.

Download: FOI Application Form

Proof of identity

Tourism NT must be satisfied as to your identity before your application can be accepted. Please attach a copy of your driver's licence, passport or other identity documents. Or you can produce your original identification documents in person at any Territory Business Centre or Receiver of Territory Monies office.

Application fee

If you are seeking access only to your personal information, there is no application fee.

If you are seeking access to government information, or a mix of personal and non-personal information, a $30 application fee is payable. You should send your $30 fee with your FOI application. Cheques or money orders should be made out to "The Receiver of Territory Monies". You can also pay the $30 direct to any Receiver of Territory Monies office or Territory Business Centre and attach your payment receipt to your application when you send it. If you would like to make payment over the phone, you can contact the Receiver of Territory Monies during business hours on (08) 8999 1628.

Processing fees

We may charge fees for processing your application. The fees may be charged for searching for information you request under FOI, for considering and making a decision on your application, and for providing access to or copies of the information.

For more information about processing fees, please read the Information Regulations.

Where processing fees are likely to be large, we may provide you with a written estimate and ask you to pay a deposit. This will give you an opportunity to modify your request or decide whether you wish to proceed.

Reduction or waiver of fees

We may waive or reduce a fee payable under the Act depending on the circumstances of the application, your circumstances including ability to pay, and the objects of the Act. If you think your application merits a reduction or waiver of fees, you should download and complete the Application for Waiver or Reduction of Fees form.

Download: Application to Waive or Reduce Fees

Correcting your personal information

If you believe that Tourism NT holds information about you that is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, you can request that the information be corrected. You should explain why you think the information is not accurate, not correct or is out of date.

Under the Act, Tourism NT can make the change you requested, change the information in another way, or refuse to change the information. Where your requested change is not agreed to, you will be provided with written reasons for refusal, and be given an opportunity to place with your personal records a statement of your opinion that the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

To apply to have your personal information corrected, download the application form and send it to the Manager of the Information Management Unit.

Download: Application to Correct Personal Information


You can request that somebody else within Tourism NT reviews a decision made regarding your FOI application or Application to Correct Personal Information. You must submit your application for internal review within 30 days of receiving the notice of decision regarding your application.

If you are still aggrieved after the decision has been reviewed by Tourism NT, you can submit a complaint to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

To apply for an internal review, download the application form and send it to the Manager of the Information Management Unit.

Download: Application for Internal Review

Lodging an application

Send completed applications, proof of identity and (if applicable) payment or receipt for payment of the application fee of $30 to:

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade
Attention: Secretariat
GPO Box 1448
Darwin NT 0801
Phone: 08 8999 1793
Email: [email protected]



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