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We all love to go on holiday. But sometimes the desire to be somewhere else transcends a want and becomes a need.

We are here to help you with a bit of self-diagnosis. So, here are five signs you need to get away.

1. Life’s a blur – and not in a good way

We all know the feeling. The alarm goes off, we fire up the coffee machine and make the commute to work. Is it Monday? Is it Thursday? Does it even matter?!

You come in earlier and you stay later, but still the paper piles up. You impressed the boss on that last project. Your reward? More work!

Life wasn’t meant to be this way – and it doesn’t have to be!

2. You need to reconnect with friends and family

When was the last time you had a romantic experience with your partner? Have you connected with the kids lately? Do you even remember what your best mate looks like?

All work and no play puts pressure on any relationship. Maybe you need some time to reconnect...

3. You know every detail of your workmate’s latest travel adventure

You stand around the water cooler at work to hear all about about your colleague’s amazing getaway. Then you sit on Facebook and Instagram comparing their holiday posts with your less-than-impressive profile.

Jealousy doesn’t suit you. Stop stalking other people’s travel adventures. It’s time for your own.

4. You’ve lost your inspiration

Life used to be exciting, didn’t it? You used to have fun-filled weekends, adventures with friends and a zest for life. What happened to that person?

It’s time to start feeling refreshed and re-energised. It’s time be inspired again. It’s time for a holiday.

5. You can’t remember your last holiday

When was my last holiday? Where was it? Did I even have one? What even is a holiday?

If you’re asking yourself any of these questions, we’ve identified a problem. You definitely need a getaway – and soon.

It sounds like you need to make some new memories.

Our prescription?

If you’re feeling any or all of the above signs, our prescription is an urgent getaway! It’s time to break up the monotony of life. Head to the Northern Territory as soon as humanly possible.

The NT is a place like no other, and will leave you feeling refreshed, re-energised and inspired by life. Whether you want action and adventure or romance and relaxation, the Territory is the perfect spot for a getaway!

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