Big skies over the Gulf, remote anchorages, the spear of a Marlin piercing out of the inky blue, a streak of colour in turquoise waters as a yellowfin hooks on to your line, crocs on the banks of mangrove-lined estuaries, and inching in the dingy through thick country chasing a Barra—this is Australian Sportfishing Charters.
Book a 4, 5, or 7-day charter aboard the luxury 65-foot motor yacht Iron Lady, where you will enjoy first-class meals from the Chef and Hostess, full air conditioning, sleeping arrangements for 8 guests (3 cabins, all with their own ensuite), a large saloon, an open-air deck upstairs, and four tenders with multiple fishing guides to cater to smaller, more personalised daily fishing adventures. Captain Dan has 27 years of experience sportfishing – you couldn’t be better looked after during your charter.
Operated by
- Fishing
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