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Take in the vibrant natural colours and wildlife found nowhere else in the world as you glide across Kakadu and the wetlands of Yellow Water Billabong. Weave through the cavernous rocky gorge and twisted walls of the Katherine River. Get above Darwin city and its sparkling harbour, before flying inland to skim over the immense Jim Jim and Twin Falls (twice the height of The Statue of Liberty). See Alice and the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park from above, soaring over the ‘Three Giants’ – Uluru (Ayers Rock), Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) and the magnificent Mount Conner.

您可以乘飞机从卡卡杜和黄水灌木沼泽区(Yellow Water Billabong)湿地上空滑翔而过,饱览自然界的迷人色彩和野生动物——它们在全世界都是独一无二的。当从峡谷穿行而过,可以看到洞穴状的岩壁,以及凯瑟琳河蜿蜒扭曲的河岸。然后,飞机会到达凯瑟琳城,俯瞰壮美的海港,接着向内陆飞去,飞越巨大的吉姆吉姆瀑布和双子瀑布(这两个瀑布的高度是自由女神像的两倍)。最后,您会从高空俯瞰爱丽斯和乌鲁鲁--卡塔丘卡国家公园,并从“三大巨人”—乌鲁鲁(艾尔斯岩)、卡塔丘卡(奥加石)和壮丽的康纳山(Mount Conner)上方掠过。

In the picture


Another advantage of taking to the skies is gaining access to areas that are otherwise difficult to get to. The size and scale of the Northern Territory means you can find yourself hovering over, and landing in places not visited by another human in decades – including some of the region’s most beautiful terrain.


Discover the unique natural beauty of the Magela Gorge and Dinosaur Valley from a helicopter. Keen photographers will want to take a ride in one of the bubble-cabined choppers, providing unrestricted panoramic views. Spend a day heli-fishing for barramundi at Crab Claw Island, or spot wild pigs, buffalo, and some menacing saltwater crocs as you take a joyride over the croc-infested waters of the Adelaide River. Still not enough action for you? Some services do offer passengers the chance to take control of the aircraft… If you’re game.

从直升飞机上,您可以欣赏曼格拉峡谷(Magela Gorge)和恐龙谷(Dinosaur Valley)的独特自然之美。摄影发烧友可能会更喜欢气压座舱直升机,可以享受360度无障碍全景视角。也不妨花一天时间去蟹爪岛(Crab Claw)。在这个地方,您可以从直升飞机上钓澳洲肺鱼。阿德莱德河上常有鳄鱼出没,坐飞机游览该河流也颇有乐趣,您可以去搜寻野猪、水牛,以及可怕的咸水鳄鱼的身影。仍然意犹未尽吗?有些旅游线路还会让乘客驾驶飞机呢——只要您敢于尝试。

