Judbarra / Gregory 国家公园是北领地第二大国家公园,包括壮观的山脉、悬崖、峡谷和桉树林。
沿着维多利亚高速公路探索公园会发现其中的一些景观,而维多利亚河客栈附近的悬崖步道和 Ngawilbin (Joe Creek) Loop Walk 则提供了壮观的砂岩悬崖的近距离体验。
Bullita Homestead 是 2WD 车辆可以冒险的最南端(仅限高净空),包括历史悠久的宅基地和堆场,您可以在其中了解更多关于公园田园历史的信息。 Gregory's Tree 是另一个 2WD 可进入的文化/历史遗址。通常在 5 月至 11 月期间,为装备精良和准备充分的人提供远程 4WD 赛道网络。在您访问之前检查道路状况。
独特的 Judbarra 游客中心位于 Timber Creek 的 Ranger Station。探索这片神奇景观的文化和历史。
Travellers’ stories
The vivid colours of Judbarra National Park's landscape, mirrored in the water, offer a truly stunning view. 🤎✨ 📸: thedockosguesthouse Tag your favourite Judbarra images #JudbarraNationalPark to be featured! Selected by northerhq
As we drove across the Victoria River on the Victoria Highway near Timber Creek, we were enveloped in the wild splendor of the Australian outback yet again within Judbarra National Park. We decided to stop at a generous roadside park that provided an ideal viewpoint, from there we gazed in awe at the formidable sandstone cliffs that loomed over the vast plains, their ruggedness a striking contrast against the boundless blue sky. It was a moment of serenity, a pause to admire the breathtaking natural beauty that characterizes this iconic region of Australia’s Northern Territory. How are we ever going to leave this behind……. #victoriariver #victoriahighway #timbercreek #judbarragregorynationalpark #judbarranationalpark #northernterritoryaustralia #australianoutback #admiringtheview #naturelovers #viewsfordays #sandstonecliffs #outbackadventure #exploringaustralia #travelnorthernterritory #roadsidestop #australiaroadtrip #wilderness #caravanlifestyle #thegreatoutdoors #adventureawaits #travel #iconic #appreciatethelittlethings #ntaustralia #livinlocalnt
The majestic Palm Trees of Judbarra National Park stand tall, showcasing their incredible beauty. 🌴✨ 📸: dc_vantures Tag your favourite Judbarra images #JudbarraNationalPark to be featured! Selected by northerhq
I was out on another camping trip two weeks ago and took advantage of the cloudless new moon. Doing massive long hikes during the day in every attempt to find the perfect location for star trail photography. After watching a beautiful sunset the exciting evening was about to begin! Had my camera and tripod all set up and once it was full dark and all the stars were on display, I hit 'Go' on the interval timer. For the next four hours, I did nothing but snacked on fruits, cheeses, cured meats, dips and bread paired with a nice Chardonnay. Gazed up into the sky of infinite stars and was simply mesmerised. So mesmerised I lost track of time. It was breathtaking! However, it eventually became too cold to stay out past midnight so I returned to my car and climbed into my sleeping bag. It has been well over two months since I last posted and as much as I would have loved to continue sharing my work, I wanted to learn how to use Photoshop and was doing exactly that for the past several weeks. Creating stair trails is no easy feat but I love doing it. I enjoying spending long hours in the cold, moonless nights (sometimes - sometimes it gets a little spooky) and spending long hours in stacking and blending the photos together, making sure I capture every little detail. The results are quite rewarding. Exif: Canon 80D with Sigma 18-35mm Foreground: 18mm 1.0 sec f/8.0 ISO 100 Sky: 18mm 30 sec f/2.2 ISO 500 626 images @ at 1 sec interval stacked and blended in Photoshop #startrail #startrails #startrailphotography #gregorynationalpark #ntaustralia #explore #vacation #camping #campinglife #nature #naturephotography #travel #travelphotography #landscape #landscapephotography #night #nightphotography #photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #photooftheday
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