Borroloola 是一个偏远的渔业社区,位于卡奔塔利亚湾的麦克阿瑟河岸边。
这个历史悠久的小镇拥有约。 950 名居民,被认为是通往海湾地区的门户,以其出色的捕鱼而闻名。 Borroloola 可通过 Carpentaria 高速公路到达,距离北领地的 Daly Waters 380 公里,或者从昆士兰州通过 Garawa Aboriginal Land Trust 的公路上。
博罗鲁拉曾经是一个边境城镇,现在是海湾地区的首府。小镇虽偏僻,但人民友善且随和。钓鱼和露营仍然是当地人和追逐澳洲肺鱼的旅行者的生活方式。距离博罗鲁拉 50 公里的金阿什湾 (King Ash Bay) 也是一个绝佳的垂钓点,每年也吸引着成千上万的游客。
Sir Edward Pellew Group of Islands 提供良好的珊瑚礁垂钓,可以钓到红帝王鱼、珊瑚鳟鱼和鹦鹉鱼。这里的一些海滩是海龟的筑巢地和候鸟的休息站。
Things to see & do around Borroloola
Travellers’ stories
🤠Untouched and Remote !! Lorella Springs Wilderness Park If you want an unforgettable Top End experience lock Lorella Spring Wilderness Park into your itinerary. 📍It’s located between Borroloola and Roper Bar on the Territory Gulf of Carpentaria coastline. A fantastic place to base yourself while you explore this family owner station, their backyard is just a handy 1 million acres! ⛺The station offers cabin-style accommodation along with loads of shady grassy campsites. Check out the website for tonnes more information. #DrivetheNT #NTaustralia #Topendaustralia #Toursimtopend #neverhaveIeverNT #Holidayherethisyear #camping #Roadtrip #LorellaSpringswildernessPark
Looking to get off the beaten track? 🙋♂Cue @lorellaspringswildernesspark, a million acre coastal wilderness sanctuary in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Located 29 kilometres north of the Savannah Way, between Borroloola and Roper Bar, it’s the ultimate place to come and disconnect. Historical sites, Aboriginal culture, swimming holes, gorges and the spectacular Lost City rock formations are just some of the features that make this region a must-do. Base yourself at the homestead, where you can find various accommodation options, a licensed bar and hot springs just 200 metres away. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @seanscottphotography! #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #HolidayHereThisYear
Looking to escape the crowds and have the freedom to explore? 🙋♂ Introducing @lorellaspringswildernesspark, a million acre coastal wilderness sanctuary in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Located 29 kilometres north of the Savannah Way, between Borroloola and Roper Bar, it’s the ultimate place to disconnect - due to the park's remote location, there's no mobile reception! Historical sites, aboriginal culture, swimming holes, gorges and the spectacular Lost City rock formations are just some of the features that make this family-owned cattle station a must-do. Base yourself at the homestead where you can take your pick of various accommodation options, grab a meal at the licensed bar and make the most of the magical hot springs just 200 metres away. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @thealcalloughbys! #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd
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